Dec 21, 2008

Winter Solstice 2008 - Yuletide greetings

December 21, 2008

The dogs were having great fun playing in all the snow that has fallen this weekend (about 18 inches). It was a soft, light, fluffy snow that was "oh so fun" to tunnel in (if you're a dog), and thankfully easy to shovel/snow blow (if your my husband)! It was overcast and still snowy, so the picture taking was somewhat difficult though.
Besides being a great day for playing in the snow, today was also the Winter Solstice/Yule. This being the longest night of the year which marks the return of the Sun and the lengthening days. A time of introspection, and celebration of endurance and the powers of hope.

YIKES! An abominable snow dog!

Has anyone seen the frisbee?

Ugggghhhh.... she has it AGAIN!
Hazel loves playing "keep away" with Dutch

Hey, come back here with that!

To celebrate the passage of the longest night of the year
and the return of the Sun's power,
a bonfire is lit and enjoyed by all!

Where's the marshmallows?

While Dutch is staying cozy by the fire -
where is Hazel?????

Hunting for mice in the wood pile, of course!

Yuletide blessings to all, and to all a good night!

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