Apr 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Hazel!!!

This month (April 16th, 2010) Hazel celebrated her third birthday!!!

It's hard to believe that three years have passed already,
and yet not a single day goes by that she doesn't manage to make me smile!

Mar 16, 2010

St. Patrick's day fun

Welcome to the official
St. Patrick's day
taste test!

I'm the "official" taste tester!!

Ohhhhh.....this is gonna be FUN!

First the Smithwick's
(I see Dad tasting this one all the time!)

it kinda tastes like cardboard!

Lets try the Killian's


I'm pretty sure I'd rather be chasing that squirrel!

Alright, back to tasting

they BOTH taste like cardboard!

Enough with the beer....
bring on the Irish whiskey, lads!

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!

Jan 1, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Another year gone, and what a whirl wind it was. I'm amazed at how quickly the time passes. I did make my deadline of updating the blog while still in 2009. Check the December 31st post which has a few entries that encompass Sept.- Nov. 2009!
Sorry about that, we were so busy traveling and competing that it was difficult to keep on top of all the things we were doing, much less write about them!

In a February 2009 post, I listed my "title" goals which I hoped Hazel could earn for the year (CH, CD, JH, RN, RA, TD, and TDI).
As I reflect back, I can't help but be amazed at how successful we were in reaching those goals. Although we didn't have time to train for a TD (tracking) title, Hazel managed to earn all the rest, as well as an RE title! The highlight was earning our CH title out of the Bred By Exhibitor classes and then receiving a certificate and medallion from AKC for the achievement!
I am so proud of my girl! She continues to amaze me with her talent and her shear joy for life, which always seems to make me smile (even when I catch her doing naughty things like chewing on my cell phone)!

2010 Goals
So now onto 2010, I do believe that everyone should have goals and here's mine:
Obedience - CDX and UD titles
Hunting - Senior hunter title

We have a lot of work and training ahead of us, and I'll be forging into new territory as I try to train her for senior and master level hunt tests. I'm sure there will be trying times and hopefully some victories along the way, thankfully Hazel is an extremely forgiving soul, as I'm sure I'll make some mistakes too.
But at the end of the day, when the training bumpers and obedience equipment is put away, the best part of all is wrapping my arms around and burying my face in the neck of a dog that I love, cherish and respect and who loves me back just as much, even if we don't earn any titles at all in 2010!

Happy New Year Everyone!
Hazel with her 2009 ribbons and trophies