Mar 1, 2009

Sunday Morning Visitor

Welcome March!

Hazel has been taking it easy the past couple of weeks.
She promptly came into season the week after the Hartford, CT show, which I was actually very pleased about because now she'll be done in time for the Fitchburg, MA show in two weeks.
I can also train and compete with her all summer and into the autumn with out worry of a heat cycle interrupting our plans!

The snow is (very) slowly beginning to melt, although now the temps. have dropped again and all is frozen, making walking quite treacherous and running and playing frisbee out of the question for now.
Hopefully it will begin to feel like spring soon!

On a different note, for the past month, or so, we've been adding various scraps to our bird/squirrel feeding station for the crows and ravens to enjoy.
Recently, in the evenings, we've seen a fox visiting the buffet.

Imagine our surprise this morning when she decided to stop in and check out the Sunday morning brunch menu!

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